Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hi , well getting off that vortex of time , Facebook . I wanted to post some new news !! The show at WSH (work space harlem) will start to be installed the week of MARCH 22 nd . We are drawing up the final list of artists .Our guest curator, Nadia Perucic , and I will be crafting a short press release to bring you all up to speed . Todd Sargood will be putting together a wonderful set of images for the exhibit's card,.. which I think encapsulates some of the essence of HFA !

Ecoartspace has offered to sponsor us at the Chashama space on E 42nd st NYC . So we will be percolating an additional show there for 2 weeks in April . We hope to launch our new studio
concept and hope this will be an unveiling for that idea !, well as bringing in some NEW collaborators , such as Chris Kennedy and his Institute of Applied Aesthetics (and friends of ..).

Also a particular note to " coolcool 654" , Happy New Year to you also !!
Drop us a note at

We are VERY close to our NEW LOGO .... Todd Sargood has been in the studio with sumi brush and massive amounts of recycled paper fine tuning the new essential logo for a new HFA.

WE were pleased to announce our 25 th fan of HFA on Facebook , Helen Gutfreund ,who will be choosing her SUR-PRIZE !! If you are an FBer become a FAN of HFA we hope to reach 50
fans by the week end ,... well who knows what we might give away then !!??

100 th Fan gets our soft cotton Tee shirt , varied sizes , a bevvy of colors ,... and yes the old logo
so these will become a collector's items . So stop using the ones you have as a cleaning rag !!!

Getting alot of support for the new project in Philipstown , we may have some really exciting news there . BUT I can not at present tell you ,... so you'll have to WAIT and see ??

We hope to have an interactive journal for the project called the Philipsebrook Journal .
This will be part of our MEDIA Studio at the site . And we just met with two members of the newly formed theater workshop " The Actor's Habitat" who will be working with kids on site
at our Performance space with kids of ALL ages !

Jenn Zackin announced an idea for one of the studios at a Hudson Valley CSA , which we will be
growing over time , may even install her piece at two locations . See what prevails !

Remember , ......... How Much ? How Little ? The Space to Create ,......... best SD

1 comment:


Hi Simon, via Andy Revkin FB page, danny bloom in taiwan. tufts 1971. simon, i wonder if it might be possible to show my friend Dang Cheng-hong's series of polar cities illustrations for future ideas of global warming adaption, show them there in NYC or wherever your gallery is. His drawings ere featured in DOT EARTH blog two years ago, but have never been exhibited before. how could we arrnage this? i am stuck in Taiwan, i no longer fly, and mR dENG is busy working at his ad agency, so he cannot visit NYC, but if you owuld help us show his drawings, just 5-10 drawings, reproduced from the website, i can help arrnage PR coverage for the gallery show, maybe a group show on climate ideas? can do? see here http://pcillu101.blogspot,com and to see pic of Deng. he is a genius and i want to show the world his work. email me at danbloom at gmail if can help. andy will write intro maybe? James lovelock has seen dENG;S IMAGES AND SAID yes yes yes, WE CAN USE HIS QUOTE IN SHOW....

(c) 2008-2011

s.c. draper & k.k. conner, all rights reserved.